Dept. of Education launches Education Equity Commission PDF Print E-mail
Written by Mike Honda   

Earlier this month, the Department of Education officially launched the National Commission on Education Equity and Excellence. I’ve spent the last year working in Congress to establish and provide funding for the Commission and believe it to be a key part of bringing equity to America’s public education system.


My “equity framework,” is rooted in a child based approach. In our current system, federal dollars are funneled to high poverty schools to attempt to achieve funding parity. In an equitable system, the abilities of each student would be diagnosed and funds allocated to meet those needs, creating true equity.

The Equity Commission represents a critical step towards realizing this framework. The Commission will be made up of a diverse group of experts in education finance, pedagogy and civil rights. They will hold meetings across the country in order to provide all stakeholders an opportunity to play a role in the process. Ultimately, the Commission will issue a report with recommendations for changing the way public education is financed to achieve equity.


I am excited for the Commission to start its work and eager to continue partnering with the Department of Education and my colleagues in the House to rebuild the public education system so that it is rooted in equity.



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