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BREAKING NEWS: Burton, RSC Ban On All Earmarks Adopted By House GOP Conference

Posted by John Donnelly on March 11, 2010

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                              CONTACT: John Donnelly
March 11, 2010                                                                                        (317) 848-0201

BREAKING NEWS: Burton, RSC Ban On All Earmarks Adopted By House GOP Conference


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN-05), co-founder of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), issued the following statement about the RSC's successful effort to get all Republicans in the U.S. House to adopt a ban on all earmarks for one year.  The measure was adopted at a House Republican Conference meeting late this morning:

"Because of the irresponsible spending and public outrage over largess in Congress, I have sworn to not request, and to vote against, earmarks since 2007.  Until today, I was one of just thirty-two members of Congress to take that pledge.  Today, with the entire conference of House Republicans adopting our ban on all earmarks, we have sent a clear message to the American people that we are serious about cutting spending, and serious about an ethical appropriations process in Congress."

Rep. Dan Burton and the RSC "no earmark" team sent a request to Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence on February 23, 2010, to convene a meeting for the purpose of holding a conference wide vote on adopting a one-year ban on all earmarks for Republicans in the U.S. House.  The measure was passed in a meeting shortly before noon today.

Click here to see the original signers of the no earmark pledge:


Nancy Parkin - March 14, 2010

Why is the ban on ear marks only for one year? If you want to stop the GREED -LOCk in Washington and really get the work of the people done and not the special interests a five year ban would be more sincere

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