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House Republicans Adopt A Ban On Pork Projects!

Posted by John Donnelly on March 12, 2010

House Republicans Adopt A Ban On Pork Projects!



I have some exciting news!  Yesterday we won a huge battle in the war against out-of-control spending, as the Republican members of Congress voted to ban every Republican from requesting pork projects for the rest of the 111th Congress.

That's right - the pork-barrel spending process, where billions of dollars are secretly doled out every year - has been banned by Republicans in the U.S. House.

As you may know, since 2007, I have taken an annual pledge to never request a pork project and to always vote against them.

In the last few years, myself and just 31 other members of Congress have taken the "no pork pledge," and we have been pushing the rest of the Republican members to do the same.  We finally got our vote yesterday, and I'm proud to say that the Republican Party is, in no uncertain terms, leading the way towards fiscal responsibility and an ethical appropriations process in Congress.

Unfortunately, the Democrats in Congress still allow themselves to request pork projects, but I am currently working on legislation that will give them a chance to agree to a pork project ban for the entire Congress.  I'll keep you posted on any progress with that effort.


Dan Burton

Kevin Carmichael - March 13, 2010

Why don't you take out the words , for the rest of the 111th Congress, on your Ban on Pork and put the word forever?

Timothy Bair - March 13, 2010

I suppose that includes banning giving Credit Unions the profits from the bailouts from the for-profit banks? Credit Unions with whom you recently met? We're on to that scam. Scores of credit unions are changing their charters to allow themselves to take advantage of wealthier demographics to the disadvantage of helping low and middle income....the very purpose for which they were originally chartered and given special tax exemption. (Full disclosure: My complaint in this regard is currently before the Mass. Div. of Banks)

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