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Rep. Burton Votes In Favor of Continued Commitment to Fiscal Responsibility

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on September 14, 2011

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                CONTACT: Joshua Gillespie
September 14, 2011                                                                                                       (317)848-0201

Rep. Burton Votes In Favor of Continued Commitment to
Fiscal Responsibility

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following press release after voting in favor of the H. J. Res. 77, the Joint Resolution of Disapproval, as authorized under the Budget Control Act, regarding the additional $500 billion in borrowing authority for the President.

“During the August District Work Period, I held three town meetings in my district and the message I received was overwhelming.  My constituents demanded that Washington end the era of reckless, out of control spending!  And they couldn’t have been more right.  With the President’s recently announced Jobs Plan costing an estimated $447 billion, we must remind the President and the Senate that we will not continue to implement the same irresponsible policies that got us into this mess in the first place.  Initiatives to save jobs that don’t break the proverbial camel’s back can be put together on a bi-partisan basis, but not without the needed cuts to excessive spending instead of the massive tax increases proposed to pay for the President's so-called "jobs plan". Permanent tax hikes for temporary spending measures is not an appropriate solution to our Country's grave employment issue.

The American people want a solution to this crisis, not more spending.  Allowing another $500 billion to increase the debt ceiling is not that solution.  CUT, CAP, and BALANCE is the only way to get Washington to change its way of spending.  Real cuts in discretionary and mandatory spending immediately; an enforceable cap to make sure that Federal spending does not exceed 18% of Gross Domestic Product; and a balanced budget amendment. 

“Our Nation’s best days are ahead of us, but only if we remain committed to restoring the principles of fiscal responsibility.”


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