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Rep. Dan Burton Votes to Fully Fund Troops; Cut $12 Billion from Budget

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on April 7, 2011

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                        CONTACT: Joshua Gillespie
April 07, 2011                                                                                                       (317) 848-0201

Rep. Dan Burton Votes to Fully Fund Troops; Cut $12 Billion from Budget

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following statement after voting in favor of the week long Continuing Resolution (CR) that would fully fund the military for the remaining fiscal year and cut $12 Billion in non-defense agencies through April 15th from the budget.

“While the current spending battles in Congress are necessary to returning fiscal responsibility to the Federal government's budget, making sure that our fighting men and women are fully funded for the remainder of Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 should be priority number one.  The CR the House of Representatives passed today does just that and more.  It not only funds the military for the remainder of FY 2011, it also cuts $12 Billion from the budget.

“It is reprehensible that President Obama has already threatened a veto of the bill, putting the very lives of our military and their families in danger.   It has been 47 days since the House passed H.R. 1, which would have fully funded the entire Federal government for the remaining fiscal year 2011--with $61 Billion in savings.  The President and Senator Harry Reid would rather shut the government down in defense of more spending than work with Republicans to keep the government open with less spending.  Instead of working in the best interest of all Americans, they are forcing Congress to continually kick the proverbial can down the road in a vain and blatant attempt to score political points.
“It is critical to job creation that this debate on the budget be resolved in a manner that makes real spending cuts.  This is not solely a tea-party idea.  This is an American idea that the voters elected us to do.  Should the Senate and President fail to act on this CR and the government does indeed shut down, the fault lies squarely on their shoulders.”


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