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Indiana's 18th District Lands $2.2M, Creates No Jobs

Posted by John Donnelly on November 18, 2009

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                              CONTACT: John Donnelly
November 18, 2009                                                                                 (202) 225-2276 


Burton to Obama: Somebody Messed With Joe

Indiana's Imaginary 00, 10th, 11th, 14th, and 18th Congressional Districts Make $5.3 Million Tax Dollar Windfall, Create Or Save Just 9 Imaginary Jobs

President Obama to Congress on 2/24/09, "That is why I have asked Vice President Biden to lead a tough, unprecedented oversight effort, because nobody messes with Joe."


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following statement after reviewing the page on the Obama Administration's Recovery.Gov website that breaks down Indiana's "Stimulus" funding by Congressional District: 

**See it here**

"Back when President Obama first addressed the Congress after his inauguration, he said that Vice President Joe Biden would oversee the Stimulus spending because, 'Nobody messes with Joe.' 

"Well, I think President Obama should know that somebody has messed with Joe.  The imaginary 00, 10th, 11th, 14th, and 18th Congressional Districts of Indiana have, according to, made a tax dollar windfall of about $5.3 million, and 'created or saved' 9 jobs - all of which obviously can't exist in these fake districts.  

"From the beginning, I said this program would be exposed to rampant waste, fraud, and abuse.  Now, as we see these magical numbers from the Obama Administration, how can we ever be convinced that this money will be accounted for and given proper oversight?  The answer is simply this:  we can't.  

"It's time to pack up this program, save the President from further embarrassments, use the remaining funds to pay down the debt and deficits, and cut taxes on capital gains, small businesses, and individuals so we can be 100% sure the money is used to create real jobs in real Congressional Districts.  

"The unemployed Hoosiers in my Congressional District have never had the time for the Obama Administration's inability to stimulate long-term economic growth.  It's time for results.  It's time for the Administration to listen to Republican solutions for improving our economy and creating lasting jobs."


The following information is from 

Indiana Congressional District Stimulus funding: 

District 00 - $1,265,575 in funds, 0 jobs

District 10 - $1,219,765 in funds, 8 jobs

District 11 - $40,487 in funds, 0 jobs

District 14 - $217,914 in funds, 1 job

District 18 - $2,244,240 in funds, 0 jobs



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