Miller Applauds Obama’s Call for Putting Partisanship Aside and Getting Americans Back to Work


WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the senior Democrat on the House Education and the Workforce Committee, issued the following statement after President Obama’s speech this evening on job creation before a Joint Session of Congress.  
“Tonight, President Obama laid down a foundation to help get Americans back to work – starting this year and continuing into the future. The President’s proposals have enjoyed wide bipartisan support in the past and I applaud many of the specific items he is calling for.
“Economists agree that creating jobs is the first and most important step we need to take to grow the economy, reduce the deficit and keep Americans working. In fact, creating jobs now is the key to fixing nearly every other economic problem America faces today. 
“The president was absolutely right, though, when he asked tonight whether this Congress will finally agree to work with him to help start creating jobs now. Congress must put partisanship aside and seize this moment to work together to help get Americans back to work and our economy moving forward.”
As one example of what he believes Congress should do, Miller introduced last month the Local Jobs for America Act (H.R. 2828), legislation that will spur consumer demand and grow the economy by putting people back to work in local communities. It could create and save a million jobs in local communities by ensuring the continuation of essential services like transit, public safety, public schools, and health care.