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Congressman Burton Receives the Society of Gynecologic Oncology National Public Policy Award

Posted by Jayme Rosandich on November 17, 2011

Did you know that there is currently no early detection test for ovarian cancer? More than 80% of women are diagnosed in later stages, where survival is significantly decreased.  It is expected that more than 22,000 women will be diagnosed with the disease this year, and of these, more than 14,000 will die. During the last five years, over 2,600 members of our military or their families have been hospitalized for ovarian cancer or suspected ovarian cancer. These individuals have spent more than 14,000 bed days of care in military treatment facilities.

This is why Congressman Burton has long been a supporter of the Department of Defense's Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) for Ovarian Cancer Research. Through innovative, cross-institutional research practices, the DoD's research program for ovarian cancer has become the gold standard in cancer research. The OCRP supports the forward momentum of critical research to understand, prevent and treat this disease that affects the warfighter, military beneficiaries, and the general public. The involvement of DoD OCRP in research performed at both civilian and military health facilities nationwide creates a unique shared process for success that raises the standard and scope of the investigational process. The research produces innovative, high impact and valuable results through strategic partnerships between advocates, lab scientists and clinicians.

Congressman Burton recently met with representatives from the Society of Gynecologic Oncology, where they presented him with the 2011 National Public Policy Award for his support of the Ovarian Cancer Research Program at the Department of Defense.  Upon receiving the award, the Congressman issued the following statement: "I feel honored and humbled to be the recipient of the National Public Policy Award. On behalf of the millions of Americans touched each year by ovarian cancer, I would like to thank my Colleagues for joining me in support of this program."






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