House Committee on Education and Labor
U.S. House of Representatives

Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon
Ranking Member

Fiscally responsible reforms for students, workers and retirees.



Committee Statement

July 29, 2008

CONTACT: Alexa Marrero
(202) 225-4527

David Davis Statement: Hearing on “Caring for the Vulnerable: The State of Social Work in America”

Good afternoon. Thank you, Chairwoman McCarthy, for holding this important hearing. I’d like to thank each of our witnesses who have taken the time to provide this Subcommittee with their testimony.   I’d like to extend a special welcome to a fellow Tennessean, Sarah Wells, who I will introduce later.

The importance of social workers cannot be overstated. These professionals serve every age range, race, ethnic group and social background, and they do so selflessly. Social workers advocate for people who cannot do so for themselves and help them navigate the sometimes confusing array of public services available to them. Whether it is ensuring that an abused child is placed in a safe foster home or helping a family to cope with a terminal illness, social workers improve the lives of individuals and families in their communities on a daily basis.

Chairwoman McCarthy, I look forward to working with you on this important issue.  Again, I thank each of you for being here today and am eager to hear your testimony.  I yield back.  

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