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Pelosi Statement After Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group Vote on DOMA

Washington, D.C. - Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today after the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group voted, along party lines, to initiate action by the House to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court, potentially costing American taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars:

“President Obama took a bold step forward for civil rights when he announced that the federal government would no longer argue to uphold the Defense of Marriage Act in court.  DOMA is discriminatory; it's unfair and indefensible; and it betrays our nation's long-held - and long-cherished - value of equality for all.

“Since its proposal and passage, this legislation has raised constitutional questions and has been viewed as a violation of the equal protection clause.  The House should not be in the business of defending an unconstitutional statute that is neither rational nor serves any governmental interest.  DOMA actually discriminates against American families.

“Given the complexity and number of cases, this legal challenge would sap hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars, if not more, during a time of limited fiscal resources. 

“Pursuing this legal challenge distracts from our core challenges: creating jobs, strengthening the middle class, and responsibly reducing the deficit.  And that is why I voted against this action today.”