Aaron Schock

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America Needs a Six Year Highway Bill
Schock Releases Video to continue his push for a long-term transportation and infrastructure bill

Washington, Oct 21, 2011 -

Congressman Aaron Schock (R-IL) released a YouTube video this week as he continues his push for a long-term transportation and infrastructure bill. Schock issued the following statement regarding his effort:

“We need to focus on investing in our nation's rails, roads, highways, bridges and infrastructure. We need to pass a fully funded and paid for six year highway bill - this is something that has been done by every President for the last 25 years.

“I say ‘fully funded’ and ‘paid for’ because this bill must be both. For the last couple of years the highway bill has been funded for only short increments, which does nothing to create the certainty employers need as they consider a new project. Secondly, it would be irresponsible to pass such a bill without paying for it. I believe we can find the money to pay for a long-term bill by using the revenues from new oil and gas leasing combined with the current revenues people already pay at the pump - motor fuel tax. This would help boost the demand of American-made energy, lower the cost and at the same time ensure we have money to pay for these vital investments to our country's highways and infrastructure.

“A highway bill not only will put people back to work now, but will also help reduce the burdens and lower the costs to businesses who manufacture goods and transport their merchandise to reach worldwide customers. If we can lower the cost of doing business here in the United States, we can help attract more high paying manufacturing jobs in this country. With the passage of the Panama, Colombia and South Korean free trade agreements, its now more important than ever to ensure we are investing in our infrastructure to help move U.S. products to new markets.”

America Needs a Six Year Highway Bill
(Click image to watch video)

What others are saying about Congressman Schock’s effort…

“Passing a well-funded, long-term transportation bill has been a top priority of Congressman Schock's since he was first elected to Congress,” said Sean O’Neill, the Associated General Contractors of America. “His leadership and commitment to this effort is integral to its success.”

"A long-term highway bill is an investment opportunity for Peoria. Congressman Schock knows how vital this is to our local economy and job creation, which is why he has been so vocal about the passage of a six year transportation and infrastructure bill," said Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis. "Aaron knows this is good policy. The fact that he is not waiting for someone else to act and is coming up with his own solutions on how to pay for a long-term bill reinforces his leadership on this issue."

“The best thing that Congress can do right now to create jobs is pass a six-year, fully funded transportation bill.  This will provide jobs in the construction industry, provide investment opportunities for employers and make our highways and bridges safer for our families to travel on,” said Erich Bloxdorf, President & Chief Executive Officer of the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce.  “A six year, fully funded transportation bill is simply the right thing to do to get Americans working and our employers investing.  The Greater Springfield Chamber applauds Congressman Schock’s persistence in getting a fully funded, six-year bill passed by this Congress”

“I applaud Congressman Schock for aggressively advocating for a long-term highway bill. Investing in our highways and infrastructure is a critical part of keeping Illinois moving forward,” said Doug Whitley, President of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. “Aaron understands that a long-term bill is vital to job creation in our state, and that passage of a long-term highway bill needs to be a priority in Washington to help generate economic growth.”

“The members of the Associated General Contractors of Illinois (AGCI) understand first-hand the importance of strong federal transportation reauthorization legislation and are appreciative of the efforts of Congressman Aaron Schock to help put forth a solid resolution,” said Matt Davidson, Executive Director of AGCI.  “It has been a long process and our Association is pleased with the progress that has been made to resolve this most important issue of investment in our infrastructure.” Davidson added. “We are pleased that the Congressman understands the critical nature of maintaining our highway system, and we are eager to work with him and other congressmen to make investment in our transportation system a high priority in Washington.”

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