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Meehan Warns of Scam Targeting Seniors

Springfield, PA – U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan (PA—07) today warned 7th district residents of a scam that nearly cost a Springfield man thousands of dollars. The senior citizen, who prefers to remain anonymous, received a phone call from a stranger asking him to send a money order or cash to Canada to help his grandson. After realizing he had been a victim of a scam, he turned to Rep. Meehan to try to recover his money. Meehan’s office, working together with postal inspectors in the U.S. and Canada, as well as the local authorities, was successful in getting the money returned.

“I’m glad we had a positive outcome in this situation, but scams like this one occur far too often,” said Meehan. “Unfortunately, criminals prey on senior citizens and come up with believable stories about why cash is needed urgently to help a family member. I want to warn my constituents to be on the lookout for these types of scams and fraudulent activity, and I encourage folks to educate themselves and make sure they are protected.”

“I want to thank Congressman Meehan and his staff for their immediate assistance in what was an awful ordeal for me and my family,” said the Springfield resident. “I want to warn others about this scam so they can be protected.”

In September, Meehan held the second annual “Know Your Rights” event to educate seniors about how to protect themselves against fraudulent practices. The event provided seniors with information about their rights, how to recognize when wrong doing has happened, and what resources are available to help them. Representatives from the Social Security Administration, Medicare, the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office Elder Abuse Division, the Delaware County Office of Services for the Aging and many others, were on hand to answer questions.

Meehan encouraged constituents to contact his office if they believe they have been a victim of a scam.
