U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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Celebrating Delaware Adolescent Program graduates

Chris Coons at Delaware Adolescent Program graduation

WILMINGTON — Senator Coons was the keynote speaker at the Delaware Adolescent Program, Inc. (DAPI) graduation ceremony on May 27th. He addressed the eight graduates, all of them new mothers who have earned high school diplomas.

Chris offered words of encouragement for each of the graduates, and pointed out that they are on a journey not only for themselves but for their babies as well. Chris encouraged them to accept support from others, “Let other people in to help you. Let them take that walk with you.”

Statistics show that DAPI students are more likely to graduate, more likely to have better parenting skills, and more likely to have stronger life and financial skills. In recent years, DAPI has graduated 100 percent of its seniors.
