U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, August 30, 2012
CONTACT: Ian Koski at 202-224-4216

Senator Coons stands behind President’s call for accelerated investments in industrial energy efficiency

Supports solutions that will create jobs and reduce energy costs for American manufacturers

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.), a member of the Senate Energy Committee, expressed strong support on Thursday for President Obama’s plan to speed up investments in America’s industrial energy efficiency, including combined heat and power. The Executive Order will enhance American manufacturing competitiveness and create jobs, while also improving our nation’s energy system and reducing harmful emissions. 

“Continuing to develop our industrial energy efficiency standards will better ensure American manufacturing remains competitive in today’s international market,” Senator Coons said. “Our manufacturing sector is the backbone of our economy, and it’s imperative that we do all we can to help our businesses succeed and create jobs. President Obama’s proposal is an investment in our economy, our environment, and our energy security. I applaud President Obama for this Executive Order and look forward to continuing to advocate for the development of clean, safe, reliable energy sources.”

The Executive Order will:

  • Set a national goal of 40 GW of new combined heat and power installation over the next decade;
  • Direct DOE and EPA to convene stakeholders through ongoing regional workshops to foster a national dialogue to identify, develop, and encourage the adoption of best practice policies and investment models;
  • Direct all Federal agencies to use existing federal policies to support investment in industrial energy efficiency and CHP, provide public information on the benefits of unlocking investment in industrial energy efficiency, and support manufacturers and states to share best practices and access technical assistance.

Investments in industrial energy efficiency, including combined heat and power, offer significant benefits to manufacturers, utilities and communities across the country, including: Improving U.S. manufacturing competitiveness; creating jobs now through investments upgrading our manufacturing facilities; offering a low-cost approach to new electricity generation capacity to meet current and future demand; significantly lowering emissions; and enhancing grid security.

For more details on the President’s plan, please visit: http://1.usa.gov/TzmAcC.

Senator Coons, an outspoken advocate for enhancing our national energy efficiency standards, is a cosponsor of the Clean Energy Standard Act of 2012, which aims to set strategic, practical clean energy standards on the largest utilities.

