Arizona Centennial: Congress and the Creation of Arizona


“When I arrived in Arizona 25 years ago to open my dentist office it immediately felt like home.  The breathtaking skyline and natural beauty of rural Arizona as a backdrop to our thriving cities and small town communities is unlike anywhere else in the nation. 

Arizona is known for the five C’s Copper, Cattle, Cotton, Citrus and Climate that defined the state and grew its economy.  I believe that a sixth C, the character of its citizens, is what really makes Arizona such an appealing and wonderful place to live.

To the Arizonans who give life, culture, and history to this great state I say thank you.  This centennial celebration is for all Arizonans, both past and present, whose character defines our great state. 

To this end, I cosponsored two resolutions in the House of Representatives to honor Arizona's centennial. The First was Congressman David Schweikert's H. Res 551, "Celebrating the Arizona Centennial" which was meant to honor and to commend the state of Arizona. The second was Congressman Ben Quayle's H.Con Res 100, which recognizes February 14th, 2012 as Arizona's centennial."

Congressman Gosar was pleased to attend several of the Centennial events, and you can see photos below:

 Centennial Gala:

Saturday February 11:

Tuesday February 14:

For many years the people in the New Mexico and Arizona Territories petitioned Congress seeking admission into the Union. During the late 19th Century various members of Congress introduced bills in support of Arizona and New Mexico statehood, but none were approved. Despite widespread concern over Arizona's constitutional provision for the recall of judges, Congress passed H.J. Res. 14, "to admit the territories of New Mexico and Arizona as States into the Union." On August 15, 1911, President William Howard Taft vetoed the statehood resolution in large part because Arizona's constitution allowed for the recall of judges, a provision that he stated went against the need for an independent judiciary.

Immediately after Taft vetoed the resolution providing for New Mexico and Arizona statehood, Congress passed S. J. Res. 57, admitting the territories of New Mexico and Arizona as states conditioned upon Arizona voters' adoption of an amendment to the constitution removing the judiciary recall provision. President Taft approved the resolution on August 21, 1911. On February 14, 1912, Taft signed the proclamation making Arizona the 48th state, and the last of the contiguous states to be admitted to the union.

One hundred years later, as we celebrate the centennial of the great State of Arizona, it is incredible to see how far we have come. Natural beauty and bountiful resources bless this state. A hard work ethic and resilient spirit define its residents.  Here is to another great one hundred years for this wonderful State.

I hope you come out to join us in celebrating Arizona’s Centennial celebration of Best Fest to “experience a diverse and vibrant culture, honor the past, and celebrate our future.”