Rep. Mike Honda

Rep. Mike Honda


Official Twitter account for Mike Honda, Representing Silicon Valley in the U.S. House of Representatives

San Jose, CA ·

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Congratulations to for receiving the Secretary of State's Award for Corporate Excellence today! More at

US elected record # of women adding richness to most diverse Congress in history. Where are GOP Committee Chairwomen?

House Dems reflect the diversity of America! Most diverse caucus in history & our committee leaders will reflect that.

Fact: Without Social Security, 54.1 percent of America’s seniors would be living in poverty.

isn't about money – it’s about the kind of nation we hope to be: a more perfect union or leaving folks behind

Judge denies polling places near MT reservations, forcing drives of 100mi+ to , 30k affected. Very wrong:

California residents, today is your last day to REGISTER TO VOTE! Register now to make your voice count in November

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