Congressman Michael Turner | Proudly Serving Ohio's 3rd District

Tours My Office Can Help Arrange

If you happen to be able to plan your trip to Washington D.C. in advance, you will be able to see much more of the city. Also, on a first come - first serve basis, we can offer Congressional Tours of certain attractions in the Washington area. This tour option allows you to make better use of your time in Washington. The tours are not necessarily substitutes for the public tours, but rather allow you the optimum ability to use your time in Washington, by not having to wait in often long lines.

If you are interested in this option our tour coordinator will do their best to fill your requests based on time schedules and availability. Requests for all tours are suggested months in advance of your visit. To request tours, please complete my tour request form

My office can try to arrange Congressional tours of the following attractions:

The White House
Group tours of the White House must be scheduled through my office and are scheduled based on the order in which they are received by the White House and the availably of tour time-slots.  Please submit your request between 3 to 6 months prior to your arrival in Washington.  After a tour request is submitted by my office, the White House Tour Coordination Staff will inform my staff of the acceptance or denial of the tour request.  This will happen approximately three weeks prior to your requested tour date.  

The Capitol
Gallery passes are required to visit the House and Senate chambers. The Senate Gallery is only open to the public while the Senate is in session. Requests for gallery passes and Capitol tours should be submitted to my office at least 4 weeks prior to arrival in Washington.  For large groups, further notice is required. Guided tours of the Capitol will begin and end in the Capitol Visitor Center. The Capitol Visitor Center is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday.   

The Library of Congress
The Library of Congress is the nation's oldest federal cultural institution and serves as the research arm of Congress. It is the largest library in the world, with more than 130 million items on approximately 530 miles of bookshelves. It has over 138 million books, nearly three million recordings, and countless other pieces of information.  Please request tours of the Library of Congress through my office at least 6 weeks prior to your arrival in Washington.

The Kennedy Center
The Kennedy Center is the nation’s performing arts center and living memorial to President John F. Kennedy.  On the tour, constituents will be able to see the Presidential Boxes, private lounges, all theaters and public spaces, and the interactive exhibit honoring the life and presidency of John F. Kennedy.  Please request tours of the Kennedy Center at least two months prior to arrival in Washington.
My office can only secure tickets for tours of the Center for Performing Arts, not for any of the various performances.  For performance tickets, please visit or contact the ticket office at (202) 467-4600.

The Bureau of Engraving and Printing
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing designs and manufactures U.S. currency, postage stamps, Treasury obligations and other U.S. securities. As you tour the building you can observe the various phases of currency production   Please submit a tour request through my office for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing between 3 and 6 months prior to your arrival in Washington.   Public tours are also available on a first-come, first-served basis, Monday - Friday (9:00 – 10:45 am, 12:30-3:45 pm, 5:00-7:00 pm).

Once you get to Washington, you probably will need a good map. I suggest that you stop by my office where we would be more than happy to provide you with one. I hope that these special arrangements offered by my office will ensure your trip to Washington is a memorable one.