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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

Full Committee

February 28, 2012
H.R. 3989, "Student Success Act"
Ordered favorably reported, as amended, to the House by a vote of 23-16.

Committee Report (House Report 112-458) 

Archived Webcast

Opening Statements:

Press Release and Photo Album:

Click on the amendment number for a PDF of the text

Offered By Description Action Taken Roll Call
1 Mr. Kline amendment in the nature of a substitute adopted by voice vote .
2 Mr. Miller democratic substitute defeated 16-23 No. 1
3 Mr. Thompson    to alter the Title I formula to provide greater weight to the percentage of a district's students in poverty defeated 16-22
with 1 member passing
No. 2
3A Mr.  Heck amendment to the Thompson amendment to hold harmless existing grantees  withdrawn .
4 Mr. Rokita to require the Secretary of Education to eliminate the full time equivalent employee positions associated with the eliminated and consolidated programs under the bill adopted 23-16 No. 3
5 Mr. Rokita allows states to opt-out of  ESEA and receive a tax credit for their citizens in lieu of federal education funds withdrawn  
motion Mr. Petri report the bill to the House as amended adopted 23-16 No. 4

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Committee Report and Reported Bill:

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