

Natural Resources Committee
National Parks, Forests and Public Lands
Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs
Energy & Mineral Resources
As a native Californian and westerner, I am a strong supporter of caring for our environment, and there is nothing more that I want than to provide cleaner air, purer water, and more abundant species for our future generations. Throughout my years in Congress, I have worked hard to improve environmental protection and restoration throughout our district. We all want clean water, beaches, forests, and air. The advancement of technology provides us remarkable opportunities to harness America's strengths - free markets, incentives, individual responsibility, economic growth, technological achievement, and entrepreneurship - to leave the world a cleaner and healthier place for future generations. 


From cleaning up contamination on the Whittaker-Bermite site in the City of Santa Clarita, to protecting wilderness lands in the Eastern Sierra and Northern San Gabriel Mountains areas, we must continue to act as good stewards of our communities' resources that are so valuable to all of us. I have worked hard to improve environmental protection and restoration throughout our district including Mono and Inyo Counties as well as the Antelope Valley and Santa Clarita.

Most recently, I introduced the Eastern Sierra and Northern San Gabriel Wild Heritage Act (H.R. 6156), which became law (Public Law 111-11) on March 23, 2009. The new law designates an additional 430,671 acres of wilderness in Mono and Inyo Counties, and establishes more than 45 miles of the Owens River Headwaters and Armargosa River as Wild and Scenic Rivers. The bills also designate an additional 42,000 acres of wilderness in Los Angeles County and establish more than seven miles of Piru Creek as a Wild and Scenic River.

Animal Welfare
Throughout my tenure in Congress, I have supported several measures to address animal welfare issues. Most recently, on February 29, 2012, I introduced H.R. 4122 the Big cat and Public Safety Protection Act. This bi-partisan legislation would ban the private possession and breeding of large wild cats (lions, tigers, panthers, etc…). I’m pleased to say that this legislation is supported by many animal advocacy groups, including the Humane Society and the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF). Additionally, in 2003, my colleagues and I passed H.R. 1006, the Captive Wildlife Safety Act, which I introduced. This legislation prohibited any person from importing, exporting, transporting, selling, or receiving prohibited wildlife species defined under the Lacey Act Amendments of 1981.

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