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Republican House Legislative Accomplishments 2011




Major Legislative Accomplishments

• Health Care Takeover Repeal (H.R. 2): The bill to cut new spending by $1.4 trillion over
ten years and reduce the deficit by $700 billion by repealing the government takeover of
health care.

• Cut, Cap and Balance (H.R. 2560): The bill included immediate spending cuts to reduce
the deficit by half next year, enforceable caps that bring spending into line with the
average amount of spending since World War II, and ensured that a Balanced Budget
Amendment would have to be passed before the debt limit could be raised.

• The House Republican Path to Prosperity Budget. (H.Con.Res. 34): I voted to cut $6.2
trillion in government spending and reduce deficits by $4.2 trillion over the next decade
compared to the President’s budget, repeal the government takeover of health care,
save Medicare and Social Security for future generation while wprotecting those at or
near retirement, and spur economic growth and the create jobs.

• Full Year Continuing Resolution (H.R. 1473): The bill cut nearly $45 billion in nondefense
spending from last year’s levels in—the largest single reduction in discretionary
spending in U.S. history.

• 1099 Repeal (H.R. 4): The bill repealed the job-destroying 1099 provision information
reporting requirements in the government takeover of health care, saving taxpayers
$24.7 billion in tax increases

• TARP Program Termination (H.R. 839): The bill terminated $29.9 billion of TARP
funding for a failed housing program that has been singled out by the Special Inspector
General for TARP for low uptake and the Treasury Department’s failure to monitor the
program’s success.

• Dodd-Frank Repeal (H.R. 836): The bill would permanently cancel all unobligated
balances made available for the $1 billion HUD Emergency Homeowner Relief Program
made available through the Democrats the Dodd-Frank permanent Wall Street bailout

• Repealing Obama’s Off-Shore Drilling Ban (H.R. 1231): The bill would reverse President
Obama’s ban on offshore energy exploration by requiring oil and gas leasing in the areas
with the most prospective oil and gas resources, and establish a domestic oil and natural
gas production goal. By freeing up our most productive oil and gas resources the bill will
reduce the cost of energy and cut the deficit by $800 million.

• Rejecting the President’s “Clean” Debt Limit Increase (H.R. 1954): The House rejected
H.R. 1954, a “clean” debt limit bill which contained no spending cuts per the president’s
request, by a vote of 97-318, with all House Republicans voting no.


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