Press Release

June 25, 2009 Contact: Lindsey Mask

McKeon Statement on the Democrat’s Job-Killing Cap & Tax Legislation

June 25, 2009 -
Today, Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Santa Clarita) issued the following statement regarding Speaker Pelosi’s intention to pass the Cap & Tax plan this week, which will impose a hard-hitting tax upon families and small businesses costing our struggling economy thousands of jobs:

“The Democrat‘s Cap & Tax legislation is going to force small businesses and their workers, and their families to pay more for electricity, gasoline, and other products that are made in America that have a high energy content. This will cause high-energy industries, like the steel-making industry, to move out of the United States and to our competitors such as China, India, and South Korea. It is estimated that the Cap & Tax bill will cost 2.3 to 2.7 million American jobs. Specifically in 2012, the 25th district is projected to lose 3,796 jobs and $531 million in personal income.
“Americans are tired of the lack in strategy, accountability, and results of these high-cost Democrat policies. House Republicans have a better plan - the American Energy Act - which would produce more energy, lower energy prices, do more to clean up the air, and create more jobs. We are ready to work with the President and Democrats to reach a better solution.”

NOTE:   To view the Republican video on the Democrat’s plan to increase taxes with climate change legislation, click here
Pelosi Bureaucratic Nightmare

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