Press Release

July 11, 2012 Contact: Alissa McCurley

Congressman McKeon Responds to House Vote to Repeal Obamacare

July 11, 2012 - Today Congressman Howard “Buck” McKeon released the following statement after the House voted to repeal Obamacare:

“From the moment Obamacare was introduced, the American people have expressed concerns about the impacts it would have on the cost and quality of care, our economy and the national debt. While no one can argue that our healthcare system isn’t in need of serious reforms, a big-government law that will add trillions to our debt, increase healthcare costs, raise taxes and kill jobs is not the way to go. Obamacare is already hurting businesses, workers, seniors, taxpayers and our already fragile economy.

“I want families to be able to make their own choices in health care, visit the doctor of their choosing, and receive the health care they and their doctor feel is best. I want to protect patients with pre-existing conditions and young adults, and most importantly, I want to work to find solutions that make health care more affordable for all Americans. But a law that takes away patient choice, recklessly cuts Medicare, raises taxes, prohibits job creation and adds trillions to our already unsustainable deficit is not sound policy and it’s not the way to fix our healthcare problems.

“I will continue to fight for commonsense solutions that address the critical issue of American healthcare, and I will remain focused on working for a better way forward to provide patient-centered, affordable and accessible health care. For instance, I support providing tax incentives for those who do not currently have employer-provided insurance, refundable tax credits for pre-retirees and low and modest income Americans, allowing small businesses to band together to purchase health insurance at a lower cost, and I strongly support comprehensive medical liability reform to reduce costly defensive medicine and frivolous lawsuits. I will work to find step-by-step reforms that protect Americans’ access to the care they need, from the doctor they choose, at a lower cost.”


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