Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard - Proudly Serving California's 34th District

Press Releases

Contact: Helen Machado 202 225-1766

Advocacy Group Names Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard a "Champion for Children"
Honor bestowed for her authorship of legislation to protect farmworker children and children held in our federal immigration detention system

Pictured in the photo presenting the award to the congresswoman is Wendy Cervantes, First Focus Vice President of Immigration and Child Rights Policy (shown on left). Pictured in the photo presenting the award to the congresswoman is Wendy Cervantes, First Focus Vice President of Immigration and Child Rights Policy (shown on left).

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Washington, Apr 6, 2011 -

The First Focus Campaign for Children, a national, bipartisan child advocacy group, recognized Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34) as a “Champion for Children” for her extraordinary efforts to protect and improve the future of America’s next generation.

Pictured in the photo presenting the award to the congresswoman is Wendy Cervantes, First Focus Vice President of Immigration and Child Rights Policy (shown on left).

“We applaud Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard for her unflagging commitment to protect our nation’s future,” said Bruce Lesley, president of the Campaign for Children. “Children cannot vote, hold press conferences, or donate to political campaigns to thank the Members of Congress that support them and protect their interests. And because of that, today we are honoring those Members on behalf of children. This award is intended to give recognition to our nation's top public officials who take action to make children a national priority. We look forward to working with Congresswoman Roybal-Allard and all of our recognized lawmakers to continue protecting America’s next generation of leaders.”

In selecting the Champions and Defenders the First Focus Campaign for Children took note of leaders who introduced, co-sponsored, and voted for legislation that would best meet the needs of children. In addition, the organization considered Members who demonstrated extraordinary initiative by spearheading activities such as sponsoring hearings or garnering the support of their colleagues to improve the health and well-being of children.

Congresswoman Roybal-Allard received the honor for her authorship of the Immigration Oversight and Fairness Act and The Children’s Act for Responsible Employment. 

The Immigration Oversight and Fairness Act (H.R. 1215) provides all immigration detainees with basic minimum protections including access to medical care, phones, and legal representation by establishing legally enforceable immigration detention standards in place of the current system of non-binding and inconsistently applied guidelines.  The measure also provides special protections for unaccompanied children and other particularly vulnerable detainees while expanding the use of cost-saving alternatives to detention. 

The Children’s Act for Responsible Employment (CARE), HR 3564 addresses the problems associated with 500,000 children employed in agriculture in the U.S. by raising labor standards and protections for farmworker children to the same level set for children in occupations outside of agriculture.

Click here to view the Politico ad about the First Focus Campaign for Children.

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