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Badwater Moon. Death Valley, California. 2009
Phase One 645DF with P65+ back and 45mm lens

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The contents of this site were last updated on 15 Dec, 2012

(lue'muh nuhs) adj.

1. radiating or reflecting light; shining; bright.

2. clear; readily intelligible

Welcome to The Luminous Landscape, the web's most comprehensive site devoted to the art of landscape, nature and documentary photography using digital as well as traditional image processing techniques.  You will find on these pages instructive feature articles, product reviews, travel and technical discussions, inspiring portfolios, and a Discussion Forum.

This site currently has more than 4,500 pages containing articles, tutorials, product reviews and photographs.

The Publisher and Primary Author of This Site is Michael Reichmann

There are Currently Photographers Visiting The Luminous Landscape


The best way to gain an overview of the extensive content found on this site is through the Subject Index.

Return visitors should check What's New frequently as new content is being constantly added to the site.

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Concepts: Photography, Subject, Photojournalism, Debate, Internet forum, Featured articles, Photograph, Landscape Photography

Entities: The Luminous Landscape, Michael Reichmann, Christopher Sanderson

Tags: product reviews, pages instructive feature, traditional image processing, Luminous Landscape, documentary photography, Return visitors, technical discussions, comprehensive site, best way, Subject Index, Discussion Forum, extensive content, new content, instructive, tutorials, digital :