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Saturday, July 23, 2011
KOTA Territory News: Sen. Nelson introduces legislation to fix Medicaid glitch


Senator Ben Nelson proposes a change to the health care law he says will save billions of dollars.

Nelson's legislation will fix what he calls a glitch in the Medicaid system.

Under current law, starting in 2014, Social Security benefits will not be used to help determine Medicaid eligibility.

Nelson says that means a married middle-class couple with a combined annual income of $64,000 could qualify for Medicaid.

Nelson says he simply wants to factor in Social Security to determine Medicaid eligibility.

He adds that the truly needy will still be able to receive Medicaid benefits.

He says the billions saved will then go to a greater use, explaining, "It will save 13 billion dollars and directs that those saving of 13 billion dollars be used to pay down the federal deficit and reduce the debt."

Social Security benefits are currently used to determine Medicaid eligibility.

The legislation would keep that as the status quo.


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