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Washington, DC—Today, U.S. Representative Jim Renacci (OH-16) voted in favor of H.R. 3630, the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011. Included in the legislation, put forth by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman David Camp, is a provision granting states the flexibility to redirect unemployment benefits to an employer in exchange for the employer agreeing to hire a qualifying unemployed worker – an idea Rep. Renacci first brought forth in his EMPLOY Act.

“I am very pleased my idea for reforming the unemployment insurance system has been included in Chairman Camp’s comprehensive plan,” said Rep. Renacci. “It is a common sense solution that will help many who don’t have jobs get back to work and begin to move the needle on historically high and long unemployment rates, all while saving taxpayer dollars. I urge my colleagues in the Senate and President Obama to take immediate action to approve this legislation so we can help get the unemployed back to work and prevent all Americans from experiencing a tax increase in January.”

“Rep. Renacci’s proposal is a shining example of how states could take advantage of the flexibility offered in H.R. 3630 and help get the millions of unemployed Americans back to work so they collect paychecks, not unemployment checks,” said Chairman Camp. “I thank him for his hard work and important contribution to The Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act.”

The Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011 would protect all workers from a tax increase in 2012, but it would do so without having any negative impact on the Social Security trust fund. This legislation also includes measures that will directly support the creation of private sector jobs, including the Keystone XL energy pipeline and by blocking certain job killing EPA regulations. House Republicans have also worked to offset fully the cost of the bill through spending cuts, most of which have also been proposed by President Obama. The bill saves money by freezing pay for government workers – including members of Congress – reforming programs that are riddled with waste, fraud, and abuse, and preventing high earners from collecting welfare or food stamps.

Rep. Renacci is serving his first term in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he is a member of the Financial Services Committee. Prior to his election he worked as a Certified Public Accountant in the health care industry, and owned and operated over 60 other businesses in the automotive and sports management fields.

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