Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
CSCE :: About the Commission
U.S. Senate 

Benjamin L. Cardin, Maryland
Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island
Tom Udall, New Mexico
Jeanne Shaheen, New Hampshire
Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut 

Roger F. Wicker, Mississippi
Saxby Chambliss, Georgia
Marco Rubio, Florida 
Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire 

U.S. House of Representatives 

Christopher H. Smith, New Jersey 

Joseph R. Pitts, Pennsylvania
Robert B. Aderholt, Alabama
Phil Gingrey, Georgia
Michael C. Burgess, Texas
Alcee L. Hastings, Florida
Louise McIntosh Slaughter, New York
Mike McIntyre, North Carolina
Steve Cohen, Tennessee

  Executive Branch Commissioners

Michael H. Posner, Department of State
Michael C. Camuñez, Department of Commerce

Department of Defense, vacant as of February 2012

*Click on the Commissioners name to be redirected to their website*

Former Commissioners