News List

  • 09.14.2012
    McKeon Floor Statement on National Security and Jobs Protection Act
    House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. "Buck" McKeon made the following statement today as prepared for delivery on the House floor regarding H.R. 6365 the National Security and Jobs Protection Act: "Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of the National Security and Jobs Protection Act of... More
  • 09.14.2012
    McKeon Statement on Passage of National Security and Jobs Protection Act
    House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon issued the following statement upon passage of the National Security and Jobs Protection Act of 2012 by the House of Representatives: “The passage of this bill marks the fifth time this year the House of Representatives has voted to res... More
  • 09.10.2012
    Clearing of red tape needed for recovery
    By Buck McKeon America has always been a country founded on principled determination and the idea that it’s possible to make something out of nothing. In no state of our union is this pioneer spirit more pervasive than in California. But when you see foreclosure signs on your neighbors’ homes or “f... More
  • 08.02.2012
    Congressman McKeon Votes to Stop Job-Killing Tax Hike and to Create Jobs Through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code
    Washington, D.C.- This week, Congressman Howard “Buck” McKeon voted in favor of the Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act, legislation that would stop the tax hike on all Americans looming at the end of the year, and put in place an expedited procedure to ensure Congress reforms the tax code t... More
  • 07.30.2012
    The danger of Obama’s inaction on sequestration
    By Howard P. “Buck” McKeon Only a handful of legislative days remain to resolve the devastating cuts to our military, known as sequestration, before the campaign trail becomes the sole focus of political activity. The false notion persists that the deadline is Jan. 2, when the Office of Management ... More
  • 07.26.2012
    Stop the Red Tape
    Thanks to President Obama, America is experiencing the worst economic recovery since World War II. Small businesses along Main Street are struggling – and they’re discouraged. If you listen, they’ll tell you they’re strangling in red tape. Almost half of small business owners said they’re not hiring... More
  • 07.26.2012
    Congressman McKeon Votes to Cut the Red Tape
    WASHINGTON – This week, Congressman Howard “Buck” McKeon voted in favor of three crucial legislative measures that will hold Washington accountable and create jobs. This legislative week culminated in the passage of H.R. 4078, the Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation Act. Since taking... More
  • 07.18.2012
    McKeon Statement on Passage of Sequestration Transparency Act
    Washington - Congressman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, released the following statement on the House passage of H.R. 5872, The Sequestration Transparency Act of 2012, on Wednesday: “Passage of the Sequestration Transparency Act is an important step towards ... More
  • 06.21.2012
    Congressman McKeon Votes for Domestic Energy and Jobs Act
    Today, Congressman Howard “Buck” McKeon voted in favor of H.R. 4480, the Domestic Energy and Jobs Act. This bill will not only reduce energy costs, but also spur economic growth and job creation. This legislation is part of the Republican energy agenda that embraces a true all-of-the-above approach ... More
  • 06.06.2012
    Let’s replace failed job training system with one that works
    By Representatives Buck McKeon, Virginia Foxx and Joe Heck In January, President Obama told the story of Jackie Bray, who found employment after participating in a job training program at a local community college. The president urged Congress to "cut through the maze of confusing training programs... More