News List

  • 08.02.2012
    Congressman McKeon Votes to Stop Job-Killing Tax Hike and to Create Jobs Through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code
    Washington, D.C.- This week, Congressman Howard “Buck” McKeon voted in favor of the Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act, legislation that would stop the tax hike on all Americans looming at the end of the year, and put in place an expedited procedure to ensure Congress reforms the tax code t... More
  • 07.30.2012
    The danger of Obama’s inaction on sequestration
    By Howard P. “Buck” McKeon Only a handful of legislative days remain to resolve the devastating cuts to our military, known as sequestration, before the campaign trail becomes the sole focus of political activity. The false notion persists that the deadline is Jan. 2, when the Office of Management ... More
  • 07.26.2012
    Congressman McKeon Votes to Cut the Red Tape
    WASHINGTON – This week, Congressman Howard “Buck” McKeon voted in favor of three crucial legislative measures that will hold Washington accountable and create jobs. This legislative week culminated in the passage of H.R. 4078, the Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation Act. Since taking... More
  • 05.10.2012
    McKeon Addresses Sequestration on House Floor
    WASHINGTON—Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon took to the House Floor today, fighting to resolve the budget crisis that faces America’s military. Because the "Super Committee" was unable to reach an agreement, men and women in uniform face a $500 billion cut next year. Only immediate action by Congress an... More
  • 05.09.2012
    Military Crippling Sequester Must Be Stopped
    By Reps. Buck McKeon and Paul Ryan Last year, as the federal government approached a limit on how much it could legally borrow, the Obama administration asked Congress to rubber-stamp an increase in the government's borrowing authority without any spending cuts to match. When House Republicans made... More
  • 04.30.2012
    Time for governmental fiscal accountability
    We are broke. Our national credit card bill has now topped $15 trillion. Our debt has now eclipsed our entire GDP. Each year, our government operates on a $1.5 trillion deficit, a deficit that is larger than our entire federal budget used to be when I first came to Congress. In 12 years, the Medica... More
  • 03.20.2012
    Congressman McKeon’s Response to Chairman Paul Ryan’s Republican Budget Proposal
    Rep. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon made the following statement, following today's release of the Republican Budget Proposal:"Chairman Ryan has drafted a budget that puts us back on the path to prosperity. The facts of our country’s fiscal situation are clear: we are facing the most predictable crisis in ... More
  • 02.13.2012
    Congressman McKeon Responds to President Obama’s Dangerous Budget
    Today, President Obama released his delayed Fiscal Year 2013 budget to Congress, announcing a spending plan with a $1.33 Trillion deficit price tag and a 10-year budget blueprint with annual deficits exceeding $600 billion every year except 2018.“The President’s budget is a scary proposition, steepe... More
  • 01.30.2012
    Obama’s speech showed little to be hopeful for
    Walking into the glowing Capitol on a crisp January night, the greatness of our country is palpable. No matter our differences, no matter our disagreements, no matter the toughness of the times we have fallen on, there is no doubt that the state of America’s union is stronger and greater than that ... More
  • 01.24.2012
    Congressman McKeon’s Response to State of the Union Address
    Congressman Howard “Buck” McKeon released the following response to President Obama’s State of the Union Address.“Tonight we heard a campaign speech from the President. Unfortunately it has become obvious that the President has decided to be a “Campaigner in Chief” not a Commander in Chief,” said Co... More