News List

  • 06.25.2012
    Congressman McKeon’s Statement on Supreme Court’s Decision on Arizona Law
    Congressman Howard “Buck” McKeon issued the following statement regarding the Supreme Court’s decision on the constitutionality of the Arizona immigration law: “Today’s Supreme Court decision highlights the need for serious solutions to our nation’s overall immigration policy, as well as the severe ... More
  • 07.07.2010
    McKeon Joins GOP Colleagues in Letter Criticizing Justice Dept. Lawsuit Against Arizona
    In a letter (below) to Attorney General Holder, Ranking Member Lamar Smith (R-TX), Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA), and 18 other Members of Congress criticized the Obama administration’s decision to challenge Arizona’s 2010 immigration enforcement law, SB1070. “It’s certainly an interesting way ... More
  • 07.01.2010
    McKeon Statement on President’s Immigration Speech
    – Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Santa Clarita) today issued the following statement after President Obama’s immigration reform speech at American University: “Americans are tired of empty promises where immigration is concerned. They are angry and alarmed by the increasing number of illegal immig... More
  • 05.20.2010
    McKeon Statement on President Calderon’s Joint Meeting before Congress
    – Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Santa Clarita) today issued the following statement in response to Mexican President Felipe Calderon’s address to a Joint Session of Congress: “I was pleased to have President Calderon visit and address the United States Congress today. I appreciated his strong sen... More
  • 03.05.2009
    McKeon Tours California Southern Border
    Last Friday, Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Santa Clarita) was led by the San Diego Sector Border Patrol on a tour of California’s Southern border, where border fence production is currently underway. McKeon was briefed on the fencing project, patrolling stations, and remote surveillance technology... More
  • 01.19.2009
    McKeon Statement on Commuted Sentences for Ramos and Compean
    Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon made the following statement today following an announcement by the White House that President George W. Bush commuted the prison sentences of two former U.S. Border Patrol agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, whose 10 year sentences have raised much debate. “I am ver... More
  • 02.14.2008
    McKeon Statement on FISA & GOP Walkout in Protest of Democrat Refusal to Schedule Vote
    Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Santa Clarita) today issued the following statement after House Republicans left the floor to protest the Democrats’ refusal to schedule a vote on the Senate-passed bill to modernize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).“Democrat leadership refused a vote ... More
  • 02.13.2008
    McKeon, Armed Services Committee Republicans on DOD Decision to Charge 9/11 Terrorist Masterminds
    Today, Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA), Ranking Republican Duncan Hunter (R-CA), and Republican members of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee released comments on the Department of Defense’s decision yesterday to swear charges against six terrorists being held at Guantanamo Bay, including K... More
  • 01.25.2008
    McKeon Calls for Reinstatement of Border Fence Funding
    Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Santa Clarita) has joined over 90 members of Congress in calling on Congress and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to complete construction of the border fence that helps prevent illegal immigrants from crossing U.S. borders. “The people of my district have made it clear th... More
  • 09.11.2007
    McKeon Statement on the Sixth Anniversary of the September 11th Terrorist Attacks
    Today, Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Santa Clarita) issued the following statement observing the anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks:“Today, six years after the horrific events of 9-11, we remember the lives lost when terrorists viciously attacked our nation. We must always remembe... More