Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

81st Cong.  ↑  64 Stat.  ↑  Sept. 30, 1950  ↑  1950:1123 1950:1124 1950:1125
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1–4 1100–1104 20 236–239 Rep.
4A 20 239a Rep.
5, 6 1106, 1107 20 240, 241 Rep.
7 20 241–1 Rep.
101–103 20 241a–241c Rep.
121–125 20 241c–1 to 241c–5 Rep.
126–128 20 241d to 241d–2 Rep.
131, 132 20 241d–11, 241d–12 Rep.
141, 141A 20 241e, 241e–1 Rep.
142–151 20 241f–241o Rep.
152 20 241a nt Rep.
201–213 20 241a–241m Rep.
301–307 20 241aa nt, 241aa–241ff Rep.
401–403 1107 20 242–244 Rep.