Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

83d Cong.  ↑  68 Stat.  ↑  May 29, 1954  ↑  1954:243 1954:249 1954:250
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
2–6 157–159 10 600–600d Rev. T.
2–6 157–159 34 135–135d Rev. T.
7–13 159–162 10 600e–600k Rev. T.
7–13 159–162 34 330–330f Rev. T.
14–16 162–164 10 600l–600n Rev. T.
14–16 162–164 34 430–430b Rev. T.
17, 18 165 10 600o, 600p Rev. T.
17, 18 165 34 135e, 300g, 430d Rev. T.
19(a) 165 34 283 Rev. T.
19(b) 166 10 631a Rev. T.
19(c)–(f) 166, 167 10 591, 591a, 593, 594 Rev. T.
19(g) 167 34 643 Rev. T.
19(h) 167 14 230 Rep.
20(a)–(g), (j) 167 34 338, 338b, 338e, 350a, 350d, 423, 639a. Rev. T.
20(n) 167 37 232 Rev. T.
20(o) 167 14 303–305, 307, 308 Rep.
21(a) 167 34 135g Rev. T.
21(b), (c) 168 10 600q, 600r Rev. T.
21(b), (c) 168 34 135f, 430c Rev. T.