Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

76th Cong.  ↑  54 Stat.  ↑  Oct. 8, 1940  ↑  1940:756 1940:757 1940:759
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
101(a)–(d) 974 26 13–15, 362 Rev. T.
101(e) 974 26 13 nt Rev. T.
201 975 26 710–731, 740–744, 750–752 Rev. T.
301, 302 998, 999 26 23, 124 Rev. T.
401 1003 34 496a Rev. T.
402 1003 46 1155a Rev. T.
501 1004 26 115, 115 nts Rev. T.
502 1005 26 391–396 Rev. T.
503 1007 26 275 Rev. T.
504, 505 1007 26 216, 234 Rev. T.
506(a) 1008 26 prec. 600, 600 Rev. T.
506(b) 1008 26 23 Rev. T.
507 1008 26 55 Rev. T.
508 1008 26 3312, 3770 Rev. T.
625 1014 45 228c–1 Elim.
626 1014 45 215–228 nt
701 1017 26 1600 nt Rev. T.
701 1017 42 1101 nt Elim.