Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

83d Cong.  ↑  68 Stat.  ↑  Aug. 28, 1954  ↑  1954:1039 1954:1041 1954:1045
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
101 897 7 1741
102 897 7 1742
103 897 7 1743
104 898 7 1744
105 898 7 1745
106 898 7 1746
107 898 7 1747
108 7 1748
109 7 1749
201, 202 899 7 1441
203(a) 899 7 1446
203(b) 899 7 1450 Rep.
204(a) 899 7 1446b
204(b) 899 7 1446
204(c) 900 7 1446c
204(d) 900 7 1446a
204(e) 900 7 397 Elim.
204(f) 900 7 1446 nt Elim.
206, 207 901 7 1421
208 901 7 1427 nt
209 901 7 1428
301, 302 902 7 1301
303 902 7 prec. 1321
304 902 7 1326 nt
304–306 902, 903 7 1327–1329 Elim.
307 903 7 1332
308 903 7 1334
309 903 7 1335
310 904 7 1344
311(a) 904 7 1348 Rep.
311(b) 904 7 1374
312 904 7 1371
313 905 7 1330 Elim.
313 905 7 1340
314 905 7 1334a Elim.
315 905 7 1421 nt
401(a) 906 7 602
401(b)–(d) 906, 907 7 608c
401(e) 907 7 608e–1
501 907 16 590h
502 908 16 590o
503 908 16 590h–3 Rep.
601 908 7 1761
602 908 7 1762
603 909 7 1763 Elim.
604 909 7 1764
605 909 7 1765
605A 7 1765a
605B 7 1765b
605C 7 1765c
605D 7 1765d
605E 7 1765e
605F 7 1765f
605G 7 1765g
606 7 1765h
606A 909 7 1766
606B 909 7 1766a
606C 7 1766b
606D 909 7 1766c
607 909 7 1767
608 910 7 1768
609 7 1769
701–708 910–912 7 1781 nt, 1781–1787 Rep.
709 912 7 1446
709 912 7 1446 nt Rep.
710(a) 913 7 2
710(b) 913 7 2 nt Rep.