Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

83d Cong.  ↑  68 Stat.  ↑  May 5, 1954  ↑  1954:177 1954:180 1954:181
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
101, 102 65, 66 10 506d–1, 506d–2 Rev. T.
201–205 66–68 34 5a, 626–1 Rev. T.
301–306 69, 70 10 1843–1848 Rev. T.
403 70 10 506d–3, 1849 Rev. T.
403 70 34 5a–1 Rev. T.
404 70 10 506d–4, 1850 Rev. T.
404 70 34 5a–2 Rev. T.