Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

83d Cong.  ↑  68 Stat.  ↑  July 2, 1954  ↑  1954:454 1954:455 1954:456
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
396 2 60a nt
397 2 119a Rep.
397 44 95, 166, 183 Rev. T.
399 2 42a, 52, 53 Rep.
400 2 46d Rep.
400 2 46d nt Elim.
400 2 65a
401 2 60g–1 Rep.
402 2 42a–1, 42b Elim.
402 2 46b Rep.
402 2 46f–1 Rep.
403 2 72a–3 Elim.
403 2 122, 122a Rep.
403 2 124
403 2 125
405 2 1804 nt
405 40 166a Rev. T.
408 2 169 nt
103 408 2 60g–1
103 408 2 122a nt Elim.
103 409 2 72a nt
104 409 2 1962 nt
105 409 2 38a
410 28 604 nt