Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

83d Cong.  ↑  68 Stat.  ↑  July 22, 1954  ↑  1954:557 1954:558 1954:559
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1 497 48 1541 nt
2 497 48 1541
3 497 48 1561
4 498 48 1542
5 498 48 1571
6 499 48 1572
7 500 48 1573
8 500 48 1574
9 501 48 1575
10 502 48 1576
11 503 48 1591
12 503 48 1593
13 503 48 1594 Rep.
14 504 48 1595
15 48 1596 Rep.
16 504 48 1597
17 48 1599
18 505 48 1631
19 505 48 1632 Rep.
20(a) 505 48 1592 Rep.
20(b) 505 48 1598 Elim.
20(c) 506 48 1641
21 506 48 1611
22 506 48 1612
23 506 48 1613
23A 48 1613a
24 506 48 1614
25 507 48 1615
26 507 48 1616
27 507 48 1617
28(a) 508 48 1642
28(b) 508 26 3350 Rev. T.
28(c) 509 48 1643
28(d) 509 48 1644
29 509 48 1543
30 509 48 1544
31 510 48 1545
32 510 21 104 Rep.
33 510 21 111 Rep.
34 510 48 1541 nt
35 510 48 1546
36 510 48 1541 nt