Rep. John Lewis Mourns the Loss of Four State Department Officials in Libya

Sep 14, 2012 Issues: Foreign Affairs

After a moving ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland led by the President of the United States Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who received the remains of four Americans killed recently in an attack against the American consulate in Libya, Rep. John Lewis made this statement:

“I join the Americans who mourn today for the loss of four brave professionals killed in the line of duty—U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service information officer Sean Smith, and two Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.  We pay tribute to their abiding commitment to the work of international diplomacy, not only when it was easy, but especially when it was difficult. 

"This nation is honored by their sacrifice and will be forever grateful for their dedicated service.  It is my hope and my prayer that one day very soon the community of nations will dignify all they have given by ending the strife among us all to take up the meaningful work of lasting peace.  We embrace the loving families and friends they leave behind with our thoughts and pray for their comfort in the difficult days ahead.”