Digest for H.R. 1950
112th Congress, 2nd Session
H.R. 1950
To enact title 54, United States Code, "National Park System", as positive law
Sponsor Rep. Smith, Lamar
Date July 31, 2012 (112th Congress, 2nd Session)
Staff Contact Sarah Makin

On Tuesday, July 31, 2012, the House is scheduled to consider H.R. 1950, a bill to enact title 54, United States Code, "National Park System", as positive law, under a suspension of the rules requiring a two-thirds majority vote for approval.  H.R. 1950 was introduced by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) on May 23, 2011, and was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, which held a mark-up and reported the bill, as amended, on July 10, 2012 by a voice vote.

H.R. 1950 would make technical and conforming changes that establish title 54 of the United States Code as the sole title related to the National Park System.

Information from the Office of Law Revision Counsel indicates that the bill would make no substantive changes to the law; therefore, CBO estimates that enacting H.R. 1950 would have only a minimal impact on the federal budget.  Enacting H.R. 1950 would not affect direct spending or revenues; therefore, pay-as-you-go procedures do not apply. 

H.R. 1950 contains no governmental or private-sector mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act and would not affect the budgets of state, local, or tribal governments.