Digest for H.R. 3892
112th Congress, 2nd Session
H.R. 3892
To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 8771 Auburn Folsom Road in Roseville, California, as the "Private First Class Victor A. Dew Post Office"
Sponsor Rep. McClintock, Tom
Date November 28, 2012 (112th Congress, 2nd Session)
Staff Contact Sarah Makin

On Wednesday, November 28, 2012, the House is scheduled to consider H.R. 3892, under a suspension of the rules requiring a two-thirds majority vote for passage.  H.R. 3892 was introduced by Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) on February 2, 2012, and was referred to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which reported the bill by unanimous consent on February 7, 2012. 

H.R. 3892 would designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 8771 Auburn Folsom Road in Roseville, California, as the “Private First Class Victor A. Dew Post Office.”

Private First Class Victor A. Dew served as a U.S. Marine in Helmand Province, Afghanistan and was killed in action on October 13, 2010.  He was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton.

A CBO cost estimate for H.R. 3892 was not available as of press time.