Votes for December 2009
  Question Bill Result Date
991 On Concurring In Senate Amendment With An Amendment H R 2847
Making Appropriations For the Departments Of Commerce and Justice, and Science, and Related Agencies For the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2010, and For Other Purposes
Passed 12/16/2009
990 Call Of the House Quorum
Passed 12/16/2009
989 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 3714
Daniel Pearl Freedom Of the Press Act Of 2009
Passed 12/16/2009
988 On Passage H R 4314
To Permit Continued Financing Of Government Operations
Passed 12/16/2009
987 Call Of the House Quorum
Passed 12/16/2009
986 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 1110
Preventing Harassment Through Outbound Number Enforcement (phone) Act Of 2009
Passed 12/16/2009
985 On Concurring In the Senate Amendment With An Amendment H R 3326
Making Appropriations For the Department Of Defense For the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2010, and For Other Purposes
Passed 12/16/2009
984 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 905
Recognizing the 70th Anniversary Of the Retirement Of Justice Louis D. Brandeis From the United States Supreme Court
Passed 12/16/2009
983 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 976
Providing For Consideration Of the Senate Amendment To H.r. 3326, Making Appropriations For the Department Of Defense Fy 2010, H.j.res. 64, Making Further Continuing Appropriations For Fy 2010, H.r. 4314, To Permit Continued Financing Of Government Operations, and H.r. 2847, Commerce and Justice, Science Fy 2010
Passed 12/16/2009
982 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 976
Providing For Consideration Of the Senate Amendment To H.r. 3326, Making Appropriations For the Department Of Defense Fy 2010, H.j.res. 64, Making Further Continuing Appropriations For Fy 2010, H.r. 4314, To Permit Continued Financing Of Government Operations, and H.r. 2847, Commerce and Justice, Science Fy 2010
Passed 12/16/2009
981 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Con Res 160
Honoring the American Kennel Club On Its 125th Anniversary
Passed 12/16/2009
980 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 973
Waiving A Requirement Of Clause 6(a) Of Rule Xiii With Respect To Consideration Of Certain Resolutions Reported From the Committee On Rules
Passed 12/16/2009
979 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 973
Waiving A Requirement Of Clause 6(a) Of Rule Xiii With Respect To Consideration Of Certain Resolutions Reported From the Committee On Rules
Passed 12/16/2009
978 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Con Res 223
Providing For the Sine Die Adjournment Of the First Session Of the One Hundred Eleventh Congress
Passed 12/16/2009
977 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass S 1472
Human Rights Enforcement Act Of 2009
Passed 12/15/2009
976 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 150
Recognizing the Lifelong Leadership Of A. Philip Randolph
Passed 12/15/2009
975 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 2194
Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act Of 2009
Passed 12/15/2009
974 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 971
Expressing the Sense Of the House Of Representatives Regarding Guidelines For Breast Cancer Screening For Women Ages 40 To 49.
Passed 12/15/2009
973 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass H R 3978
First Responder Anti-terrorism Training Resources Act
Passed 12/15/2009
972 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 1517
To Allow Certain U.s. Customs and Border Protection Employees Who Serve Under An Overseas Limited Appointment For At Least 2 Years, and Whose Service Is Rated Fully Successful Or Higher Throughout That Time, To Be Converted To A Permanent Appointment In the Competitive Service
Passed 12/15/2009
971 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 894
Honoring the 50th Anniversary Of the Recording Of the Album “kind Of Blue” and Reaffirming Jazz As A National Treasure
Passed 12/15/2009
970 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 942
Commending the Real Salt Lake Soccer Club For Winning the 2009 Major League Soccer Cup
Passed 12/14/2009
969 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Res 779
Recognizing and Supporting the Goals and Ideals Of National Runaway Prevention Month
Passed 12/14/2009
968 On Passage H R 4173
The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act Of 2009
Passed 12/11/2009
967 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 4173
The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act Of 2009
Failed 12/11/2009
952 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 964
Providing For Further Consideration Of the Bill (h.r. 4173) To Provide For Financial Regulatory Reform, To Protect Consumers and Investors, To Enhance Federal Understanding Of Insurance Issues, To Regulate the Over-the-counter Derivatives Markets, and For Other Purposes
Passed 12/10/2009
951 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 962
Waiving A Requirement Of Clause 6(a) Of Rule Xiii With Respect To Consideration Of Certain Resolutions Reported From the Committee On Rules
Passed 12/10/2009
950 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass H R 4017
To Designate the Facility Of the United States Postal Service Located At 43 Maple Avenue In Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, As the “ann Marie Blute Post Office”
Passed 12/10/2009
949 On Agreeing To the Conference Report H R 3288
Making Appropriations For the Departments Of Transportation, Hud, and Related Agencies For Fy 2010
Passed 12/10/2009
948 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 961
Providing For Consideration Of the Conference Report To Accompany the Bill (h.r. 3288) Making Appropriations For the Departments Of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies For the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2010, and For Other Purposes
Passed 12/10/2009
947 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 961
Providing For Consideration Of the Conference Report To Accompany the Bill (h.r. 3288) Making Appropriations For the Departments Of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies For the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2010, and For Other Purposes
Passed 12/10/2009
946 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 86
To Eliminate An Unused Lighthouse Reservation, Provide Management Consistency By Bringing the Rocks and Small Islands Along the Coast Of Orange County, California, and Meet the Original Congressional Intent Of Preserving Orange County’s Rocks and Small Islands, and For Other Purposes
Passed 12/9/2009
945 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 956
Providing For Consideration Of the Bill (h.r. 4173) To Provide For Financial Regulatory Reform, To Protect Consumers and Investors, To Enhance Federal Understanding Of Insurance Issues, To Regulate the Over-the-counter Derivatives, Markets, and For Other Purposes
Passed 12/9/2009
944 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 3603
To Rename the Ocmulgee National Monument
Passed 12/9/2009
943 On Passage H R 4213
Tax Extenders Act Of 2009
Passed 12/9/2009
942 Table Appeal Of the Ruling Of the Chair H R 4213
Tax Extenders Act Of 2009
Passed 12/9/2009
941 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass H R 3951
To Designate the Facility Of the United States Postal Service Located At 2000 Luisiana Avenue In New Orleans, Louisiana, As the “roy Rondeno, Sr. Post Office Building”
Passed 12/9/2009
940 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 955
Providing For Consideration Of H.r. 4213, the Tax Extenders Act
Passed 12/9/2009
939 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 955
Providing For Consideration Of H.r. 4213, the Tax Extenders Act
Passed 12/9/2009
938 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 907
Recognizing the Grand Concourse On Its 100th Anniversary As the Preeminent Thoroughfare In the Borough Of the Bronx and An Important Nexus Of Commerce and Culture For the City Of New York
Passed 12/8/2009
937 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 915
Encouraging the Republic Of Hungary To Respect the Rule Of Law, Treat Foreign Investors Fairly, and Promote A Free and Independent Press
Passed 12/8/2009
936 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 2278
To Direct the President To Transmit To Congress A Report On Anti-american Incitement To Violence In the Middle East, and For Other Purposes
Passed 12/8/2009
935 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Res 845
Recognizing the United States Air Force and Dyess Air Force Base For Their Success In Achieving Energy Savings and Developing Energy-saving Innovations During Energy Awareness Month
Passed 12/8/2009
934 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 940
Recognizing and Honoring the National Guard On the Occasion Of Its 373rd Anniversary
Passed 12/8/2009
933 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Con Res 206
Commending the Soldiers and Civilian Personnel Stationed At Fort Gordon and Their Families For Their Service and Dedication To the United States and Recognizing the Contributions Of Fort Gordon To Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom and Its Role As A Pivotal Communications Training Installation
Passed 12/8/2009
932 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Con Res 199
Recognizing the 10th Anniversary Of the Activation Of Echo Company Of the 100th Battalion Of the 442d Infantry, and the Sacrifice Of the Soldiers and Families In Support Of the United States
Passed 12/8/2009
931 On Motion To Instruct Conferees H R 3288
Making Appropriations For the Departments Of Transportation, Hud, and Related Agencies For Fy 2010
Passed 12/8/2009
930 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 3570
Satellite Home Viewer Update and Reauthorization Act Of 2009
Passed 12/3/2009
929 On Passage H R 4154
Permanent Estate Tax Relief For Families, Farmers, and Small Businesses Act Of 2009
Passed 12/3/2009
928 On Motion To Recommit With Instructions H R 4154
Permanent Estate Tax Relief For Families, Farmers, and Small Businesses Act Of 2009
Failed 12/3/2009
927 Table Appeal Of the Ruling Of the Chair H R 4154
Permanent Estate Tax Relief For Families, Farmers, and Small Businesses Act Of 2009
Passed 12/3/2009
926 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Res 28
Expressing the Sense Of the House Of Representatives That the Transportation Security Administration Should, In Accordance With the Implementing Recommendations Of the 9/11 Commission Act Of 2007, Enhance Security Against Terrorist Attack and Other Security Threats To Our Nation’s Rail and Mass Transit Lines
Passed 12/3/2009
925 On Approving the Journal Journal
Passed 12/3/2009
924 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 941
Providing For Consideration Of H.r. 4154, the Permanent Estate Tax Relief For Families, Farmers, and Small Businesses Act Of 2009
Passed 12/3/2009
923 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 941
Providing For Consideration Of H.r. 4154, the Permanent Estate Tax Relief For Families, Farmers, and Small Businesses Act Of 2009
Passed 12/3/2009
922 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 3980
Redundancy Elimination and Enhanced Performance For Preparedness Grants Act
Passed 12/2/2009
921 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 1242
To Amend the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act Of 2008 To Provide For Additional Monitoring and Accountability Of the Troubled Assets Relief Program
Passed 12/2/2009
920 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Con Res 197
Encouraging Banks and Mortgage Servicers To Work With Families Affected By Contaminated Drywall To Allow Temporary Forbearance Without Penalty On Payments On Their Home Mortgages
Passed 12/2/2009
919 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 515
To Prohibit the Importation Of Certain Low-level Radioactive Waste Into the United States
Passed 12/2/2009
918 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass H R 3634
George Kell Post Office
Passed 12/2/2009
917 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 897
Recognizing the Importance Of Teaching Elementary and Secondary School Students About the Sacrifices That Veterans Have Made Throughout the History Of the Nation
Passed 12/2/2009
916 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Res 861
Supportinhg the Goals and Ideals Of National Military Family Month
Passed 12/2/2009
915 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Con Res 129
Congratulating the Sailors Of the United States Submarine Force Upon the Completion Of 1,000 Ohio-class Ballistic Missile Submarine (ssbn) Deterrent Patrols
Passed 12/2/2009
914 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Res 494
Recognizing the Exemplary Service Of the Soldiers Of the 30th Infantry Division (old Hickory) Of the United States Army During World War Ii
Passed 12/2/2009
913 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass H R 3667
Clyde L. Hillhouse Post Office Building
Passed 12/1/2009
912 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Res 727
Supporting the Goals and Ideals Of National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Passed 12/1/2009
911 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 3029
To Establish A Research, Development, and Technology Demonstration Program To Improve the Efficiency Of Gas Turbines Used In Combined Cycle Power Generation Systems
Passed 12/1/2009