John Lewis Votes His Conscience and Casts A Vote for the Middle Class

Dec 16, 2010

Washington, DC – Congressman John Lewis, 5th District Georgia, is calling tonight’s vote on the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010 one of the toughest votes he’s had to take in his entire political career.  The measure passed the House with a vote of 277-148.

“It is with a heavy heart that I took this vote tonight.  This was a bad deal, rotten to the core.  This bill does nothing to create jobs while at the same time providing tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans. Additionally, it further burdens an already strained Social Security Trust Fund,” said Congressman Lewis.

“Though this legislation passed the House, I in good conscience, could not vote for this bill because those same hardworking families who will be helped in the short term, will be harmed in the long run.  Those very same families will be forced to pay back this debt. Extending middle class tax cuts and unemployment benefits is the right thing to do, particularly for families who are struggling to make ends meet during this Holiday Season but I could not support a bill that was so terribly tilted in favor of the wealthy and that also undermines the solvency of the Social Security Trust fund.  It is with a heavy heart that I took this vote tonight.  This bill is not good for the future of Social Security. It is not good for our children and grandchildren. It sets America on the road to more debt, greater deficits, and extensive borrowing from China. 

This bill is tampering with the soul of our nation. Some place along the way we must say enough is enough,” remarked Congressman Lewis.