Legislation & Issues

Feb 09 2012

The Pork Report

How Washington politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists are spending your tax dollars

Today’s edition identifies at least $1,600,300,000 in wasteful Washington spending

Sexy and they know it: Multiple federal agencies study the sex appeal of female fruit flies click here to read more

GOPork: Republican Senators want to bring back pork barrel spending click here to read more

Federal government spent $1.6 billion to provide “free” cell phone service; Phones being give to many who don’t qualify for the handout and hundreds of thousands of those who do qualify have more than one phone click here to read more

Federal funds paid $200 a square foot to renovate a house which was then sold at a loss to taxpayers click here to read more

Federal funds pay to develop a marketing plan to increase sales and awareness of New York potato chips click here to read more

“Bottle ready” project: Federal funds pay to promote Alabama wines click here to read more

Federal tax credits pay to renovate aging ballroom in Iowa; “The challenge with the ballroom is finding a use for it.” says developer click here to read more

Property intended to be the location of a $1 billion “shovel ready” stimulus clean-coal project earmark sold off at a loss; Project now in limbo but holding onto its taxpayer cash click here to read more

Date Title
2/21/12 The Pork Report
2/15/12 The Pork Report
2/14/12 The Pork Report
2/9/12 Current record
2/8/12 The Pork Report
2/6/12 The Pork Report
2/2/12 The Pork Report