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Getting NY Vets the Services They Deserve

Dear Friends:

          Thousands of New York servicemen and -women already have earned veterans' benefits in Iraq and Afghanistan.  With thousands more yet to return, we need to ensure that the Department of Veterans Affairs can handle the workload.  In particular, I have been working hard to improve services at the New York VA Regional Office, which processes the bulk of applications for veterans' benefits in the greater New York area.

          In July, the VA Inspector General released a disturbing report, showing that the New York office takes an average of 257.1 days to complete compensation claims, a substantial 82 days more than the national target of 175 days.  Furthermore, the accuracy of the processing of these claims is a disappointing 75.1 percent, well below the goal of 90 percent.  We all agree New York veterans—indeed, all veterans—deserve better.

         Last month, I was joined by my colleagues in the New York City and Long Island delegations in sending a bipartisan letter to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in which we urged the Secretary to examine the operations of the New York office and fix the shortcomings identified by the Inspector General’s report.  The VA notified me last week that it will dispatch the Under Secretary for Benefits, Retired Brig. Gen. Allison Hickey, to the New York Regional Office to help improve operations.  I am pleased that the VA has heeded my call for improvements. I look forward to receiving the VA’s plan to ensure that all New York veterans receive the services they so richly deserve. 

Congressman Ackerman Presenting East Hills WWII Veteran, Robert Feinsod, with a flag flown over the Capitol Building in his honor.

           If you or someone you know is having a problem with veterans benefits, please call a caseworker (718-423-2154) in my Bayside office.  


Gary L. Ackerman