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Honoring and Remembering

Dear Friends:

       Through the years, Memorial Day has become more synonymous with barbeques and outdoor festivities, shopping malls and clearance sales, and a day off from work and relaxing with family, than with the true intention of the holiday: honoring those who have fallen in defense of our country.  

       I hope you will take a few solemn moments on Memorial Day to reflect upon our nation’s servicemen and women—as well as their families—who have made the ultimate sacrifice.  In particular, my thoughts will be with the family of Staff Sergeant Jose M. Caraballo Pietri of Corona, who undoubtedly are in great pain.  SSgt. Pietri, 32, died in service to our country last month in Afghanistan after nearly 15 years serving the U.S. Army.  He becomes the most recent of our heroic neighbors to perish in this war.

       While there are no sufficient words, no sufficient compensation, no way to make up for the loss of Jose, nor each of the others, I ask that you keep their families in your thoughts.  We can honor Staff Sergeant Jose M. Caraballo today, and all of our community’s fallen servicemen and women, by remembering their contributions and recommitting ourselves to supporting their families.

       Best wishes to you and your family as we honor our veterans on this Memorial Day.


Gary L. Ackerman