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Support Big Oil Companies or Firefighters?

       It’s easy for politicians to say we support firefighters.  Apparently, it’s a bit harder for some of us to actually back up those words. 

       Last week, the House of Representatives voted on a Homeland Security funding bill which would have cut—by more than 50 percent—two critical programs that support our local fire departments.  In the bill’s original form, Assistance to Firefighters grants (AFG) would have been slashed from $405 million to $200 million.  Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grants would have been cut by a whopping 63 percent, from $405 million to $150 million.   These two grant programs provide fire departments essential equipment and the money to hire additional firefighters. I was proud to fight successfully to restore this funding in an amendment to the funding measure; every Democratic Member of the House joined me in supporting the amendment. However, 87 Republican Members voted against restoring the firefighters’ funding.  

       I reject the false choice of adequately funding firefighters or balancing our national checkbook.  We can do both.  It’s a matter of priorities.

       I remain deeply concerned about the priorities of House Republican leadership. Last month, I called on Speaker Boehner to bring to the House floor legislation that would repeal the $4 billion annual taxpayer subsidies for the largest oil companies, which certainly need no taxpayer assistance at a time of record industry profits and gas prices.  Instead, Speaker Boehner brought legislation to the House floor that would have crippled the budgets of local fire departments.

       While Big Oil companies can afford cuts, our local fire departments cannot.  It’s simply a matter of priorities.
