Press Room



Dr. Coburn Releases Investigative Report on Failing Job Training Programs

U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) released an oversight report, “Help Wanted” that highlights examples of waste, fraud and mismanagement in federal job training programs.  

The Coburn report accompanies a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report which shows in fiscal year 2009 nine federal agencies spent approximately $18 billion to administer 47 separate employment and job training programs, all but three of which are duplicative. Despite large federal investments, GAO could not conclude whether or not the programs have had any meaningful benefit. “[L]ittle is known about the effectiveness of most programs,” GAO writes. 

“Sadly, thousands of Americans may be putting their hope in job training programs that have no measurable benefit and, in many cases, are being defrauded. With a looming fiscal crisis on the horizon, and unemployment still unacceptably high, it is time for Washington to re-think how we approach these programs,” Dr. Coburn said.   Click here to read more

Coburn, Lankford Introduce Legislation to End Unemployment Benefits for Millionaires

Senators Coburn and Representative James Lankford have introduced legislation that will end unemployment payments to jobless millionaires, saving nearly $100 million.

According to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, as many as 2,840 households who have reported an income of $1 million or more on their tax returns were paid a total of $18.6 million in unemployment benefits in 2008. This included more than 800 earning over $2 million and 17 with incomes exceeding $10 million. In all, multimillionaires were paid $5.2 million in jobless benefits.  Click here to read more

Senate Appropriators Declare Moratorium on Earmarks

Late last month, the fight to restore fiscal discipline in Congress reached a new milestone as the Senate Appropriations Committee declared a two year moratorium on the special interest pork projects that have acted as a gateway drug to overspending.    With this news, Dr. Coburn is calling on Congress to turn its attention to oversight of federal agencies and to long term spending cuts.    Click here to read more

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2/10/11 Current record