Overturning Citizens United

Jun 9, 2012

Dear Friend,

As you know, the 2010 Supreme Court decision in Citizens United opened the floodgates to anonymous, unlimited political spending from corporations, wealthy individuals and special interests.

I believe this decision, essentially overturning a century of campaign finance law, has had disastrous effects.

That's why I've cosponsored a Constitutional amendment to effectively overturn Citizens United, reduce the role of big money special interests in campaigns and put elections back in the hands of everyday Americans.

In addition, while we work on the long and arduous task of passing a constitutional amendment, I’ve also been supporting the DISCLOSE Act, which would require corporations to publically disclose their political spending.

I’m an original cosponsor of the bill and helped pass it through the House in the last Congress, when Democrats were in the majority.

Unfortunately, Senate Republicans killed the bill by filibuster and the current Republican House leadership has refused even to allow a vote on the bill in the current Congress.

Please know that I will continue working in favor of campaign finance reform and against the Citizens United decision.

Thank you for this opportunity to update you on important campaign finance reform issues before Congress.  As always, please feel free to pass this along to family and friends.

And you are always welcome to keep in touch by visiting my website, liking my Facebook page, following me on Twitter, or signing up for my e-newsletter.


Lois Capps