Rep. George Miller
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Rep. George Miller

Rep. George Miller
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  1. The recent news that Gov. Snyder may now flip flop on his earlier testimony before Congress is deeply troubling. The Michigan right-to-work bill is simply a mean-spirited effort to take away the ability of hardworking families to fight for ...
    the middle class. It's not too late for Governor Snyder to reject this special-interest assault on working people and steer a course toward the positive action on the economy that he claimed to favor just 10 months ago.
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    • Dear Rep. Miller, If you have not already, please encourage President Obama to support the formation of an inter-governmental contact group for Tibet by signing on to the Wolf/McGovern letter. Thank you for all you do!
      about an hour ago
    • Mr. Miller, You are not being honest and forthright in this news letter. Regardless of what happens regarding the stalemate in the House over passing legislation and a budget our taxes are going up as a result of the "Affordable Healthcare Act" passed and crammed down our throat by the Senate last year. What you failed to explain to your constitutes is what the "Fiscal Cliff" means. So, lets put it in simple terms. On or around Jan. 1, about $500 BILLION in tax increases and $200 BILLION in spending cuts are scheduled to take effect. That’s equal to about four percent of GDP, which according to the Congressional Budget Office, is more than enough to throw us into a recession. So, what would happen come January 1, 2013 to the average family? In simple terms, if you are a married couple with two young kids and making about $72,240 a year under both the Democratic and Republican plans your taxes would increase by $1,396. But if no deal is reached by Dec. 31, 2012 your taxes would go up by $3,289. What happened to NO TAX INCREASE for wage earners under$250,000? That Mr. Miller is a significant tax increase for every red blooded middle income American regardless of what the Democrats or Republicans in congress decide come December 31, 2012. What is so unconscionable it there is virtually NO REAL effort to address spending cuts. What this congress; and that includes you Mr. Miller, should agree on is 1 TRILLION in spending cuts as a first step in putting this economy back on track. Another thing; you, and anyone making reference to ENTITLEMENT PROGRAMS should do is NOT put SOCIAL SECURITYfor retirees in this category because the vast majority of us have paid into this program our entire working careers. SOCIAL SECURITY is a VERY EXPENSIVE and POORLY RUN GOVERNMENT INSURANCE POLICY paid for by deductions from the paychecks of WORKING Americans. Congress; and that also included you Mr. Miller, have been dipping into Social Security Funds to pay for other government programs and using it like a slush fund. Every Congressperson who agreed to, or who failed to appose using SSA funds for anything other that Social Security benefits, should spend ONE YEAR in jail and LOSS of any future SOCIAL SECURITY benefits. You may think that is a bit harsh? What congress doesn't understand is hardship. The kind of hardships that are imposed on Americans because of the irresponsible of our representative who are constantly dreaming up ways to spend tax dollars. There is plenty of blame shared equally by both Democrats and Republicans. Those of us who watch with eyes wide open clearly understand the political processes that pits the two political party against each other; with the American public being the biggest loser.
      December 7 at 5:10pm
    • Why can't all medical prescriptions purchased or paid by Medicare, Medicade, private insurances, and individuals be purchased on the world market. Just compare price differences between Canada or Mexico. Billions would be saved with no cuts in benefits. I understand the VA does this. I REALLY WANT AN ANSWER TO THIS.
      December 7 at 12:42pm
    • Randall Sylvan Rife
       Congressman Miller, Have you seen this? Is there anything we can do to stop it? The video is less than 2 minutes, but the ramifications of it are enormous.
      December 4 at 11:34am
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  4. RIP Concord native son, Dave Brubeck. One of America’s greatest jazz musicians, born in Concord, CA in 1920, died today at age 91. My thoughts are with his family, and I will be forever grateful for everything Dave Brubeck contributed to us. Like his signature song, “Take Five.”
  5. Standing up today in Richmond, CA for Wal-Mart workers and families - who should have the opportunity to earn a living wage and get health care for their families.
    Photo: Standing up today in Richmond, CA for Wal-Mart workers and families - who should have the opportunity to earn a living wage and get health care for their families.
  6. LIKE or SHARE if you agree. And learn more about George’s bill that would require early voting in all states to shorten wait times at polling stations.
    Photo: LIKE or SHARE if you agree. And learn more about George’s bill that would require early voting in all states to shorten wait times at polling stations.

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