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President Signs Schiff Bill to Dedicate Pasadena Post Office to First Lieutenant Oliver Goodall

Washington, DC – President Obama has signed legislation introduced by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) into law, designating the historic U.S. Postal Service office located at 281 E. Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena as the “First Lieutenant Oliver Goodall Post Office.” USPS district officials in Pasadena have been notified and are working with Rep. Schiff to plan a ceremony following the arrival of the plaque honoring Goodall, which will take about six weeks to arrive from the time it is ordered and will be displayed inside the building.

“I am so pleased that President Obama has signed legislation to pay tribute to Oliver Goodall into law, and I look forward to the dedication ceremony to honor Goodall as a great patriot who always exhibited perseverance in the face of adversity,” Rep. Schiff said. “For more than 50 years, Goodall was dedicated to helping others -- as a Tuskegee Airman, public information officer and postal worker. We are very fortunate for the truly positive impact he had on our community, and his courageous life story, as well as his legacy of service, lives on and inspires us all.”

Goodall entered the service at Tuskegee in February 1943. In October 1944, he graduated as a multi-engine pilot and was assigned to the 477th Bomber Group at Godman Field, Kentucky, in January 1945, where he attained his First Pilots rating in six months. Goodall was among 60 African American U.S. Army Air Corps officers arrested for trying to peacefully integrate an all-white officers’ club, which came to be known as the Freeman Field Mutiny. The ‘mutiny’ was an important step toward full integration of all U.S. armed forces worldwide in June 1949, serving as a model for later Civil Rights efforts to integrate public facilities.

“For more than 50 years, my grandfather served our community as a Tuskegee Airman, public information officer and postal worker, and dedicating the post office in his name is a great joy and an honor for our family,” said Tony Goodall. “I hope that by paying tribute to my grandfather, this will serve as a reminder, not only to our family and friends, but also to our neighbors about the importance of service, as well as an inspiration for young men and women that their contributions to society really will make a difference.”

Rep. Schiff’s district office is coordinating with the Goodall family, including Oliver’s grandson Tony, to schedule the dedication ceremony, which will be open to the public.
